Holiday with Fun – Playing and Learning

In February during the school holidays we organised a holiday program for the 65 children, who normally attend the homework classes. The goal was that the children were not alone at home, were not going out to the streets for selling and that they did not go out for other risk.

2015-02-10 TDRE vacaciones (4) - Kopie   2015-02-18 TDRE reciclaje (1)

In the morning there were different courses and handcraft work. We also organised activities for thightening their group solidarity. The main topic was the „protection of the environment“, where the kids worked on every day. In the afternoon some of the children got remedial educations or they made their homework. It was a great time for the children, they enjoyed and learned a lot at the same time.

2015-02-17 TDRE vacaciones (2)  2015-02-19 TDRE vacaciones sony (31)

Here two statements of the childrens about this holiday program:

„I enjoyed the excursion most, because I got to know new lovely places. In the courses, I learned new things as well. Hopefully, there will be such a program each year“ – Kevin Guanotuña (11 Jahre)

2015-02-13 TDRE paseo vivarium carolina (12)   OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

„Mir gefielen die Kurse über das „Wasser- und Luftschutz”, weil uns beigebracht wurde, wie wir den Planeta schützen können. Auch war toll die Windrosen zu basteln.”
Auch meinte sie, dass sie sich besser in der Fundacíon fühlt, da sie frei mit den freunden spielen kann und immer ein Erwachsener sie begleitet.

„I enjoyed the courses about water and air protection most, because they showed Us how to protect our planet. The hand crafting of the wind flower was also great“ – Ivonne Chiluguano (7 Jahre). She also stated, that she likes to stay at the fundacín, because she can play with her friends and there is always an adult around to ask for help if needed.