Corona Crisis: More Food Baskets handed over

The last week began with the purchase of more food on Monday for the baskets. This time the Fundacíon decided to buy the goods in larger quantities so that we could save time and money for the transports and work more efficiently. The lunchroom is now a storage room with a „packaging production“ for these food products.

The baskets have food for two weeks each for one family. So this week other families received the food. In this weeks handover, we focused on parents, the KITA in the neighbourhood and elderly people or people with disabilities.

Every week the processes are evaluated and improved. This is also a necessity, as demand is likely to increase considerably in the coming weeks. With the improvement in efficiency, the number of food baskets can also be increased and a greater benefit for the neighbourhood can be achieved. Here is a thank you to the team, who are doing a great job every day in this difficult situation.

To realize dreams in a crisis requires all hands, once again a thank you to all who have supported us. I hope that in a few months we will be able to return to „everyday“ activities, such as the youth project, task help or holiday program, where we will need further support for future implementation.

Marco Nyffeler – Rancho los Pinos, Quito