Corona Crisis: Donation Call for supportive teaching

Due to the health crisis caused by COVID-19, all schools were closed until further notice and digital platforms were created for the children. However, the parents we look after in the neighbourhood cannot guarantee adequate supervision when their children’s homework is done.

For this reason, the Fundacíon has developed a project that provides for adapted individual care. We have been implementing this strategy since the beginning of June, as the government now allows small gatherings of people again.

The offer provides professional guidance for the pupils in the primary school in order to consolidate the contents of the school curriculum and to convey the corresponding learning topics to the child. At the beginning of the lessons, the safety regulations of the government are discussed with the children in order to reduce the risk of infection to a minimum and thus provide a safe place for the children and the staff

We work in small groups of up to three children and one teacher in the classrooms, who work on the same school topic for one hour. She carries out remedial teaching with the children, who prepare the necessary material for the next school year. Thus, daily from Monday to Saturday, three to four groups of children are taught simultaneously.

Instead of lunch, a larger snack is offered to cover the nutritional needs of the children until they receive another meal at home

The COVID-19 crisis has once again shown that social and economic inequality prevails in Ecuador. Nevertheless, it is possible to offer a place here in the Fundacíon where the teacher can create a pedagogical and human accompaniment and thus exercise the basic rights of the child. With this project, the learning deficits and problems caused by the emergency situation are compensated.

With a donation of $ 50.00 we can secure a child’s right to education with a daily meal for one month. Help us to realize the dreams of children even in times of crisis.

To be able to provide the additional resources, we need 270 donations of $ 50.00 for 3 months, a third of which has already been provided by a local foundation

Many thanks for your help
Marco Nyffeler

If you like to donate for this supportive teaching project in Euro, our partner association in Germany has opened a project web page as well. If you like to donate in Swiss Francs you find more information on the the donation page of Minadores de Sueños. Please add a note ‚teaching in crisis‘ to your donation.