Back to the classrooms: As school started again in February, the Fundacion had to change its way of working. For the past two years, the teachers had been forced to adapt the rooms into classrooms for the teaching of the four main subjects (language and literature, maths, social and natural sciences) due to the lack of technical equipment which then was necessary for our children.

As schools reopened, we focused again on support with homework and other school issues, as in the years before, but with some improvements. Opening hours have been changed and there is an additional new room for the children, which means there now are less children per classroom, thus enabling a more individual care.

Sometimes to lose means to win. During the last two years, there was a loss of time and access to classrooms for many. But it proved a profit for our children regarding consolidation of matters and processes. This showed in academical progress and less stress for their families. On behalf of the teachers, it meant a great satisfaction, to have fulfilled their duty to help each day to realize our dream.

There’s no denying that in the beginning there was some opposition and discomfort considering these adaptions. Since we are a sedentary community (the opposite of nomads), we are used to stability, continuity, and routine. During the years of the pandemic, without noting it, we discovered that the actual learning was, and still is, adapting. We learned that the mission of de Fundacion Minadores de Sueños will never end because change is the only constancy.
“The only constancy is change.” Heraklit
Marby Barrios