Alle Beiträge von Michael

Volunteer Report from Arlene

I’m not a typical 20-something volunteer finishing college. In fact, I retired from a 30-year medical practice in May 2018 and then decided to follow through on a long-held desire to return to Ecuador. I had spent time in Ecuador twice in 2005 and wanted to return to work with at-risk children in Quito. The children serviced by Fundacíon Minadores de Sueños are at-risk because of the extreme poverty in which many of them live.

Volunteer Report from Arlene weiterlesen

Community Clothing Exchange

For several years we have been periodically selling used clothing at the foundation.
Educators, volunteers and employees sort, iron, and arrange all the clothes, as well as toys and other items, for the „Big Sale“ in the classrooms of the foundation.On Sunday, February 3, starting at 8:00 am, all come who want to buy clothes for the whole family at very affordable prices.

Community Clothing Exchange weiterlesen