Alle Beiträge von Michael

World Kids Colouring Day

Children’s dreams made visible in drawings

In celebration of the World Kids Colouring Day, together with the kids we took part in the competition of company Staedtler. The children were asked to draw their thoughts regarding nature. They were free to express themselves and they had no time limits, so they could handle it without any pressure. As a result, we got plenty of colourful, fantastic drawings. Although we didn’t win a price, the children were very happy to have taken part and they had a lot of fun realizing their ideas.

Have a look at some examples of the artworks:

Link to the homepage of the Worlds Kids Colouring Day.

IT-Lessons for the Children

As also in Ecuador distance learning had been imposed it became visible that the children had very varying knowledge of technology. Some already had had some experience with computers and were able to follow the lessons easily, while others had no knowledge at all. 

The computer lessons started in April with the aim of teaching the children basic skills and prepare them well for the online lessons so that all the children could take part in class together.

IT-Lessons for the Children weiterlesen