Alle Beiträge von Michael

Solidarity on the day of friendship and Easter

In this time of pandemic and uncertainty, it is so pleasant to see signs of human solidarity.

This could be experienced in February and April at the Fundacion, thanks to the voluntary contribution of the teenage students of the German School in Quito. The students of class 10C were motivated to give love, solidarity, respect and attachment to the children and young people of the Fundacion in the form of pencil cases, letters and chocolate baskets to celebrate Friendship Day and Easter.

The children and young people who visit the Foundation every day have understood that there are people out there who care about them and who appreciate them.

Annual Report

The year 2020 is drawing to a close. One thing is certain: it was a special year for all of us. For the last days of December, I now wish you a contemplative and humane end.

Also in the Fundacíon we will again organize a special moment for the children at Christmas, clearly with the appropriate adaptations to this situation. Especially in this time, such moments have become all the more important.

What we have achieved this year and how we have used the crisis as an opportunity for positive changes and new developments, you can see from the annual report.

In October to mid-November I was once again on a Swiss journey with ten events in German-speaking Switzerland. Unfortunately, for understandable reasons, the events were not as generously attended as expected. That’s why Janna and Michael spent a lot of voluntary hours making a 6-part film of the presentation about the Fundacíon. You can now watch it at home in front of the fireplace. The film is uploaded on our website (in Swiss-German).

For the new year we will continue to maintain the activities for our protégés with a lot of flexibility. Especially in this time, children’s rights and human rights, such as the right to education and healthy food, are no longer a matter of course.

Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Marco Nyffeler and the whole Fundacíon

Merry Christmas and a happy new year

An extraordinary year is drawing to a close: the coronavirus is still keeping the whole world on tenterhooks. This has not left the children’s project unscathed. In order to help the children and families in the neighborhood, food baskets (support in the Corona crisis) were distributed. When the greatest need was alleviated and the lockdown was loosened somewhat, the question arose of how to help the children so that they would not lose their connection. With a lot of dedication and creativity, the Fundacíon staff also used this crisis as an opportunity.

Despite the restrictions, Marco Nyffeler was able to travel to Switzerland in the fall and present his project at various events (video of the presentation in german). This gave a unique insight into the Corona situation in Ecuador.

We wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year 2021.