As a donator you will be informed regularly about the activities of the association in Switzerland as well as about the current development of our project in Quito, Ecuador.
To donate, please use one of the following possible accounts depending in which currency you like to donate:
- For donations in Swiss Francs please use our own bank account
- For donations in Euro please use the account of our partner charity ‚Sueñitos‘ in Germany
- For donations directly to Ecuador please use the Ecuadorian account of the fundation
Good to know: Pro Minadores de Sueños is exempted from taxes. This means, that donations are seen as voluntary allocations and you are able to deduct them from your taxes.
Would you like to receive a pay-in slip?
Please send an email with your name, last name, address and the subject “pay-in slip for donation” to Susanne Nyffeler, who is responsible for our support service. You will immediately receive a pay-in slip by mail.