Become a member

As a member you will be informed regularly about the activities of the association in Switzerland as well as about the current development of our project in Quito, Ecuador.

Furthermore, you will of course be invited to our annually general assembly. To support the foundation and its projects as a member, the annually fee amounts to 30 francs for individuals and 50 francs for couples.

Account for donations:
Hypothekarbank Lenzburg
Verein “Pro Minadores de Sueños”
Account number: 230170013
BC 8307
IBAN CH70 0830 7000 2301 7001 3
Postcheck: 50-69-8
5102 Rupperswil

Für E-Banking:
BC 8307
Account number: 230170013
Name: Pro Minadores de Sueños
Address: Seilerstrasse 23, 5742 Kölliken

Good to know: Pro Minadores de Sueños is exempted from taxes. This means, that donations are seen as voluntary allocations and you are able to deduct them from your taxes.

Would you like to receive a pay-in slip?
Please send an email with your name, last name, address and the subject “pay-in slip for donation” to Susanne Nyffeler, who is responsible for our support service. You will immediately receive a pay-in slip by mail.