When the ‘Fundacíon pro Minadores des Sueños’ has been founded, it was the goal to support the children from the surrounding in own buildings. For that Alba Cisneros and Marco Nyffeler acquired a piece of land in Rancho los Pinos, the district in the southern part of Quito. In 2005 the first part of the building has been constructed, which had enough space for 30 children.
In 2008 and 2009 supporting walls have been built around the steep ground of the Fundacíon before the building could be enlarged. It had then space for supporting up to 45 children.
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The plan to bild a second building with additional space became concrete in 2010. First, a square has been layed out. Especially with bad weather conditions mud and dirt could now be kept away from the teaching room. The compost toilets have been built on top of this square in 2012.
The surrounding kept changing during the years: the steep hillside has been terraced and a playground and a beetroot have been constructed. Even a chicken house is now part of the Fundacíon and provides some additional eggs for the kitchen.
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Next Project
Only the toilets and a car port exists from the second building. The plan is to construct a building with 3 stories. Seperate rooms will be installed for home work support for the very young (3-4 years old) and the 8-12 year old children. There will be a special room for the adolescent as well. A flat for the managers and their familiy and a small flat for the volunteers will also find their place as well as a maintenance room. You can find the actual status of the construction here (only in German so far).
In the actual building, the kitchen and the room for housework aid for the 5-7 years old will remain. The much too small office will move to the actual flat of Alba and Marco whereas the office will be transformed to a playroom.
We are actually collecting donations for the extension of the second building. This will help to efficiently do the construction work. If you like to support us, please feel free to contribute to this important step via a donation. Please let us know, if you especially like to donate for this construction work