The initiative of the environmental care-project CIRCULO 4R was taken by 10 teenagers, participants of the project ZA (ZONA ADOLESCENTE). Their objective is to take care of the environment, reach out to and motivate the community to participate in the recycling of plastic bottles. By doing this they hope to generate a source of income which is both dignified and fun. CIRCULO 4R: RECYCLE – REJECT – REUSE – REDUCE weiterlesen

Annual report 2011

Dear friends and supporters of „Pro Minadores de Sueños”,
with another year passing by it is time to thank all of you for your generous donations and personal support that allowed us to realize and extend our different projects in education, health, nutrition as well as family support.
Since the foundation of the association „Pro Minadores de Sueños” in 2007 we could use the received donations to continuously improve our offer of individual and personal support for children and adolescents. These great achievements were celebrated in Suiza during the 5th anniversary of „Pro Minadores de Sueños”. Again, thanks a lot to everyone who made this possible.

To keep everyone up-to-date with the improvements and success of our projects we would like to present you the new annual report en the project part on the web or for download the  annual report 2011 in pdf.

For 2012, I hope that we can continue with those who believe in our dreams and that even more people sharing these dreams can be found.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Rancho los Pinos!